Thank you for visiting us! We hope that this will allow you to get a taste for what Faith Church is about and that this will help you want to spend more time with us. You might be new to the Christian faith or you may have been a follower of Jesus Christ for many y
ears - our desire is to be a place where your relationship with Jesus grows. We are a fellowship of the Presbyterian Church in America.
Why is Faith Church here
If you are looking for the simplest, most basic reason, we are here to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Faith Church is here to provide opportunities for people to grow in how they glorify God and enjoy Him.
What is important to us?
1. Connecting to God
Your relationship with Jesus Christ is of utmost importance. Christianity is not another “religion.” The common denominator in all ”religions” is some version of becoming acceptable by doing right things. We can’t change ourselves just by trying harder, but God can and will change us by the power of His Spirit who works in us. The message of the Bible is that we are accepted through what Jesus did, not by what we do. Believing God and applying the truth of His word to our lives will produce change! Faith Church provides opportunities to encourage your relationship both individually and within the Faith Family corporately.
2. Connecting to the Body
The Bible teaches Christians to be growing together in community as a family and does not call us to just a private, isolated, individual relationship with Christ. The gospel creates a new community of caring for each other while still enjoying the uniqueness of how God created us as individuals!
3. Connecting to Others
Christ has called Christians to affect the world around us positively so that God would be praised because of us (His children) and that other people would want to become God’s children. Regardless of where we are going, we are to live like we are God’s children as we represent Him. This should happen at home, at work, at school or when we are traveling. Sometimes, it will be during the mundane t
hings we do every day as the normal part of our lives such as grocery shopping. Faith Church offers opportunities to be involved in specific ways to reach the community around us through service projects as well as opportunities to travel and do projects elsewhere. Our hearts need to be drawn more and more into God’s passion for those who don’t know Him yet.