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Archives for July 2022

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I Do


Dear Faith Family, Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him," (Genesis 2:18). How fascinating! That was the first time in the creation of the world that our God said that something was not good. Light? Good. Land and seas? Good. Vegetation? Good. Sun and moon? Good. Creatures? Good. Beasts? Good. Everythin...

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Dear Faith Family, And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You, (Psalm 39:7). I think I was up to seven different establishments. That is, if you can call a 12'X12' block building with a sign an establishment. Some of the signs were different colors with a different name but they were all "bancas". And each name company had multiple bancas. There were more ban...

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Mr. Kentucky Derby


Dear Faith Family, But Paul cried with a loud voice, "Do not harm yourself, for we are all here", (Acts 16:28). He couldn't have been over 6'8" tall. His frame did consume all of his seat and forced him to annex part of my seat! I don't know his name. He was just the dude in seat 16A on flight # flying from Miami, FL to the Dominican Republic. I initiated a conversation...

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Gahazi the Greedy Goat

Devotional 7.6.22

Dear Faith Family, As the Lord lives, I will run after him and get something from him, (2 Kings 5:16). I remember reading a book with my children when they were little about a greedy goat. The goat just wouldn't stop eating. He saw. He wanted. He ate. He got sick! That sounds familiar. Gehazi saw. He wanted. He took. He got sick! Go ahead. Read the story. 2 Kings 5. Wha...

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