A Sure and Steadfast Anchor
March 19, 2020
Faith Family,
We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, (Hebrews 6:19).
Two things are sure. These are strange times to us and the Word of God is our anchor. Your elders have been seeking God’s direction through His Word and prayer. In an attempt to follow His lead and with a desire to positively impact the community in which we live, we will not host any formal gatherings, including the Worship Service at the Faith Church facility through the end of March. Bible studies, meetings, and ministries can happen via the internet.
We are intentionally providing tools to assist you to worship our God. Consider watching a study on Right Now Media. Spend some time in prayer. Pray for each other. Worship in song. Sing together. Enjoy a song together. Worship through giving (online or in person – the office is still open Monday through Thursday).
I will be video recording a sermon and it will be uploaded onto our web-page before Sunday at 11:00. The video recording will have one of our elders leading in prayer followed by the sermon. Please take advantage of the opportunity to gather and worship together as a family.
Your Faith Church staff will be in the office regular hours ready to serve you. Please call us as you have needs. Your elders are alert and also ready to serve you however they may be of help.
In His love,
Pastor Karl