Blessings on Blessings
July 24, 2024
“Blessings on Blessings”
Dear Faith Family,
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, (Ephesians 1:3).
Wow! Just wow! Here’s what I just read on a local news website: “For several years, nearly $2 billion in South Carolina taxpayer money has sat, untouched, in state accounts, and no one knows whose money it is,” (
Can you imagine glancing at your bank account statement only to discover 1.8 billion (that’s right, billion) dollars that you didn’t know existed! What would you do? “Honey, did you happen to deposit an extra $1.8 billion last month?!” Too good to be true? Let’s suppose that after extensive research you find that it’s your money. Now what?
No, really. What would you do? For some who like to dream – right now your mind is in overdrive contemplating all that you could now afford. Others with no time for dreaming aren’t even willing to consider the possibilities – it's not true. Not real. Not a thing.
But, for the state of South Carolina, apparently it is a thing. And for the next twelve months, an investigation is being conducted in order to discover just what sort of thing it actually is.
Here’s a thing. Christians are in Christ! What does that even mean? Glad you asked. Paul begins to answer that very question in Ephesians 1. In Christ we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing. Blessings like that of being chosen by Him to be His!
Ok. Stop reading for a moment. Reread that last paragraph and let that sink in!
In Christ we have been determined beforehand to be adopted as the children of God! In Christ we have redemption (the ransom payment purchasing our freedom from sin) through the blood of Jesus! In Christ we are forgiven! In Christ we have an inheritance (His inheritance)! In Christ we heard, believed, and were sealed with His Spirit!
That one paragraph (or two) in Ephesians 1:3-14 describes way more than a couple of billion dollars. The deposit in Christ isn’t a few temporal dollars. Instead, we’re informed of eternal blessings on blessings that are ours in Christ!
What if we rewrote the opening line: “For several years, priceless, eternal blessings have sat, untouched, in Christ, and few know whose blessings they are!” Here’s the question (ok “questions” plural). Are you willing to investigate? Are you even willing to believe that such blessings exist in Christ? What does it mean to be in Christ? Have you ever read your adoption papers written in the very Word of God?
No wonder Paul burst forth in praise when the Holy Spirit gave him insight into the very plan of God in Romans 11:33: Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways!
Pastor Karl