Bon Appétit
November 15, 2023
Dear Faith Family,
And he read from it facing the square before the Water Gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women and those who could understand. And the ears of all the people were attentive to the Book of the Law, (Nehemiah 8:3).
Goldberry, Lorelai, Leeli, and Rosie Cotton. Chickens. All four – chickens I tell ya. No really. They’re chickens. The kind with feathers that say “brock”. They have beaks and feet and they lay eggs. I told you, they’re chickens.
Their owners are at the beach. So, mine is the privilege of serving up food and gathering eggs. Tuesday morning proved rather exciting. They saw me raise the blind at the back door. Their energy rivaled that of the V. C. Summer Nuclear Power Plant!
Those four girls were hungry! They attacked the pumpkin half as I tried to get it into the coop. And, holy cow, the scoops of food were assaulted in route to the feeder. They were more aggressive than a flock of teenagers at a buffet. Apparently, their little bird brains were keenly aware of a need to eat.
What’s the point? Interesting how the people gathered and told Ezra to bring the Word of God, Ezra 8:1. Even more interesting how the people listened attentively to the Word of God from early morning until midday, Ezra 8:3. Those people were hungry! They wanted the Word. They feasted on the Word of God.
So, here’s the thing, our knowledge of our need for the Word of God can enhance our ability to listen attentively to it. On the contraire, if we don’t understand our need, we’re probably not going to qualify as attentive listeners.
That brings us to a question. Why do we need the Word of God? Well, to start with, it is true. And we are prone to believe lies (just ask Eve!). We are prone to do what feels good despite the consequences. We’re quite capable of following pathways that dead end. You know, like investing our time and resources where moth and rust destroy. Not to mention that we live in a world where everyone tends to do what is right in his / her own eyes. Our lines between right and wrong, good and bad, are blurry at best and non-existent at worst. Not to mention that our classifications of right and wrong are easily manipulated.
We could go on. But I think the point is clear. We need the Word of God! We do not live by bread alone but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God. The Word of God is what transforms our minds. It clearly defines right and wrong according to the very nature of our God. It tells us where to invest our time and resources. It tells us Who to believe in, what to believe, and how to practice our beliefs.
Hungry like a chicken,
Pastor Karl