Join us Sundays at 11:00 am for worship!

I Do


Dear Faith Family, 

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him,” (Genesis 2:18). 

How fascinating!  That was the first time in the creation of the world that our God said that something was not good.  Light?  Good.  Land and seas?  Good.  Vegetation?  Good.  Sun and moon?  Good.  Creatures?  Good.  Beasts?  Good.  Everything that He had made?  Good.  Man by himself?  Not good! 

Interesting (insert pondering emoji here).  Why was that not good?  Did Adam have God over for coffee?  Did God notice that Adam had no pictures hanging on the wall?  Did God listen to Adam talking to himself?  Could it be that God wanted humanity to experience relationship even as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one?  Could it be that God knew that the delight of experience is richer, fuller when shared? 

And even if God has uniquely called you to a life of singleness, He hasn’t excused you from His family.  Instead, He has adopted you into His family and afforded you the gift of relationship within His family 

And what about a real-life, skin on, earth friend to love and to be loved?  Could it be that our God recognized the need to express and receive the love of another that we might better know the love of our God?  What creative genius to make another one similar (like out of Adam’s actual rib – ouch – God can do that with a rib?!) but different.  A different design.  A different role. A different way of thinking.  Wouldn’t life be boring if all were the same?  Maybe “not good”? 

OK, I realize that our sinful brokenness has rudely interrupted our delight in the share.  And yet, there is still that giddy sense of pleasure when we share an experience even in the retelling of that experience with another. 

Can I give you a personal illustration?  For thirty-seven years today (I married at age 12!), I’ve been gifted the privilege of experiencing the goodness of our God in a relationship that He defines as marriage.  What a difficult delight!  Even though my own sinful self often interrupts God’s design, I still enjoy that giddy sense of pleasure when I get to share this thing called life with my best friend. 

Now that’s good! 

Thanking God for Cyndi, 
Pastor Karl