Karl's Blog

Devotionals 10.2.24

Dear Faith Family,

I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth, (Genesis 9:13).

It was Sunday evening.  There were dark clouds looming over the city of Columbia.  A light drizzle weighed heavy in the air.  Hurricane Helene had left her mark as she continued her northwestern trail of destruction.

On the phone as I traveled home, I interrupted a conversation with something like, “oh wow”!  “There’s a rainbow against the dark clouds and I can see the whole of it, from one end to the other”!  It radiated against the backdrop of the dark clouds, against the history of devastation.

Embedded in the photo album of my mind (No I didn’t take a picture.  I was driving!) is a vivid reminder of the presence of the living God in the midst of the storm. 

He is not absent!

His promise to never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) can fall on deaf ears in the overwhelming loudness of the storm.  Like when we see the devastation.  Like when we hear the negative report.  Like when cutting words leave a scar.  Like when the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Know that He is here.  Even though He brought the flood, God was not absent during the flood.  He provided for and protected His children in the flood (You do remember the ark, right?).

Consider God’s initiative with me for just a moment.  He told Noah what was coming.  He communicated the idea of an ark.  That wasn’t Noah’s idea.  And after the flood?  God decided that He would not ever wipe out all of humanity again with a flood.  Noah didn’t talk God into that decision.  And God came up with the rainbow.  It wasn’t the product of our graphic designers.

Not only is God present, even in the storm, He’s up to stuff.  Good stuff.  Stuff that we may not be able to see, much less understand.  But none the less, good stuff.  He’s always up to good stuff!  Stuff like people helping people.  Stuff like connecting with our neighbors that we didn’t meet until there was a storm.

He is here (not absent)!  And He is up to stuff, good stuff!

All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep His covenant and His testimonies, (Psalm 25:10).

Thankful for the colors of His rainbow,
Pastor Karl