It’s a Privilege
January 25, 2023
Dear Faith Family,
For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God, You, however, (Romans 8:7-9a).
Chuck asked for my help. He acquired a tow bar to connect to the back of his car. Seems that a friend of his was having car problems. Out of the goodness of his heart, Chuck was going to tow the friend’s car from Piney Grove Road back to campus on Monticello Road. That’s where my “expertise” came in. After synthesizing the collective wisdom of two twentyish-year-olds (that took a while!), we carefully connected Chuck’s car with the friend’s wounded vehicle. Feeling good about our kind deed, we were off!
Just a couple of turns later, right before getting on I-26, Chuck pulled off on the side of the road. When he came back to the wounded vehicle (the one that the other guy was piloting) he informed me that something was wrong. Somehow, the car being towed was not gee hawing (translated: “was not working”) with the car doing the towing. After another round of synthetization (you know, of all that collective wisdom!), we arrived at the problem. There was a loose nut behind the wheel of the car being towed!
(Disclaimer: for the sake of the story – disregard the legality of riding in a towed vehicle. It was 40 years ago! I’m sure things were different back then?!)
Here's the thing. When Chuck would turn the front wheels of the lead car to go around a corner, the guy piloting the second car (can’t remember who that was?) was turning the front wheels of the second car. Don’t try that at home! Those of you who are mechanically inclined are already laughing. Some of you may need to draw it on a piece of paper. Major rule for use of a tow bar: do not manually turn the steering-wheel of the car being towed. Allow its wheels to follow the leader (the car doing the towing).
It just didn’t make sense to me. If we’re going around a corner, don’t turn the steering wheel? It was a new experience following the leader connected by a tow bar. Until Chuck explained it to me, I couldn’t follow the leader rightly.
Isn’t that Paul’s point in Romans 8? Without the Spirit of God, we cannot submit to following the Lord! Without the Spirit of God, we are left to live in the flesh. Without the Spirit of God, this world is our only reference point. Without the Spirit of God, we cannot understand the spiritual world. Without the Spirit of God, it simply does not make sense.
But hold on, there’s more! You (in Christ) have the Spirit of God! And here’s where I want to encourage you. You are able to submit to God. To be able to follow His lead is a gift. It’s more than a have to. It is a get to. It is your privilege to submit to Him! Are you getting this? So, whether it’s a relationship decision, a career choice, or a personal preference, are you asking God for His clear direction? Are you following Him by seeking Him first? Or are you turning the steering wheel and asking God to follow along?
It's our privilege,
Pastor Karl