Looking for Him
June 2, 2021
Dear Faith Family,
When Jesus turned and noticed them following Him, He asked them, “What are you looking for?” They said to Him, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” (John 1:38)
Questions. It was July, 2002. While candidating for the call as pastor at Faith Church, we met with the youth group. There the students were invited to ask questions. Three of those questions I have not forgotten. All three came from one student. I don’t want to disclose his identity, so I’ll simply tell you that his dad’s name is Ed and he is a talented musician.
Here are his questions: 1. “You’re locked in a closet with a corn dog and a hamburger. Which one do you eat?” 2. “You’re locked in a closet with a goat and a monkey. Which one do you pet?” 3. “You’re locked in a closet with two cd’s: Michael Bolton and Luther Vandross. Which one do you listen to?” Anybody else concerned? You know, about the whole locked in a closet thing?
Anyway. Don’t guess that I’ll ever forget those questions. Likewise, I wonder if Andrew ever forgot Jesus’ question. Andrew heard John say, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” So, Andrew followed Jesus. When Jesus saw Andrew and another disciple following, he asked them a question: “What are you looking for?”
What if Jesus turned and looked at you and asked you what you were looking for. What do you want? How would you answer that question? Before I give you some ideas, pause and answer the question. You, Jesus, and the lingering question: “What are you looking for?”
Are you looking for Jesus to do something? Like fix something that’s broken? Like show you some cool miracle? Like make you win the lottery? Like revamp the political landscape? Like come up with a cure for cancer? Like end poverty? What are you looking for?
Have you ever really answered the question, “What do I want from Jesus?” Do you want a Savior? Do you want a Lord? Andrew was looking for the Messiah. What are you looking for?
Looking for Him,
Pastor Karl