Made through

Dear Faith Family, 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made, (John 1:1-3). 

They’re everywhere. I’ll call them God’s “fingerprints”, His creation. His creation is just that, His creation. 

So, I was standing outside of a local restaurant after an enjoyable supper with friends.  One of the guys happened to eye something right next to the parking lot.  He quickly made his way over to the edge of the parking lot where there was a stand of trees.  Speckled throughout the canopy of one of those trees was God’s wild produce section. 

Muscadine grapes!  Big muscadine grapes!  Plentiful muscadine grapes!  Delicious muscadine grapes!  There they were.  God’s “fingerprints” all over that tree.  The more we looked, the more we saw.  What a delight! 

I confess, I had never noticed those grapes.  It gives me pause.  How many “fingerprints” do we miss, daily?  Do the struggles of the day cloud our vision?  Does the business of life distract our attention? 

Here’s a thought.  Make some time this week to look at the “fingerprints” of your God.  Walk outside.  Examine a leaf.  Take a picture of a flower, a bug, or a bird (Two huge owls were playing in the parking lot at the church this week.  One of them landed on the roof of a car and just sat there!  Well, I guess it just stood there!)  Forget all selfies for a minute and take a picture of one of God’s “fingerprints”. 

Wait.  Don’t move on yet.  Stop long enough to say thank You, God, for muscadine grapes.  Thank You, God, for owls (and turkeys). Thank You, God, for antlions. Thank You, God, for beebalm. 

God does what no one else can.  He speaks and people, animals, plants, planets, stars, sun, moons, galaxies exist.  We drive on his creation.  We walk through His creation.  We breathe His creation.  We are His creation.  Take another look.  You might be standing next to His produce section! 

Pastor Karl