Join us Sundays at 11:00 am for worship!

Sunday School!


While we are still in the midst of connecting virtually we wanted to send out some ways to still attend Sunday School!

First of all, John Harvey has graciously provided summaries of each week of his current study, Letters for Today! Click on the image below and dig in!!

Secondly, the study Pastor Karl is leading right now, Thriving in Babylon, is a Right Now Media study so you can continue to view the videos if you'd like! Click on the image below to go to Right Now Media and watch! If you need a Right Now Media account click HERE and get signed up for your free account right now!

Lastly, Ligonier Ministries has released a study called No Other Gospel by Derek Thomas that you can receive the videos for any donation amount! Click on the image below to get the videos and just respond to this email if you'd like a copy of the study guide!

As always we are here to help you any way we can! Let's stay connected! Praying for everyone!