The Shield of Faith
January 11, 2023
Dear Faith Family,
In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one, (Ephesians 6:16).
Can you hear that? They’re right outside of my office window. There’s a blower on wheels and another backpack blower. There are trucks. Several workers. What’s going on? Well, they’re blowing the debris off the parking lot so that they can coat it with a sealant, a shield so to speak.
But is that really necessary? Here’s what I found: “Asphalt pavement is made up of 95% aggregate, or small gravel and sand particles. Only the other 5% is actually asphalt (also known as bitumen), which is the black, oily, and sticky substance that binds the gravel and sand particles together. When pavement is new, the asphalt oils are fresh and pliable, making the pavement flexible. Over time, the oil oxidizes, or dries up, which makes the asphalt less flexible and more brittle. Additionally, the reduced volume of asphalt binder causes the tiny gravel particles on the surface to be exposed and eventually work their way loose from the pavement (referred to as raveling). When sealcoat is applied, the asphalt oils are reintroduced, restoring some of the pavement’s original flexibility. Sealcoat also covers and protects the exposed aggregate, and prevents raveling,” (
More than you wanted to know about a parking lot? What about your heart? Let’s talk about the vulnerability that comes with a tender heart. The storms of life (grief, tragedy, failure, trials, aging…) can certainly result in a less flexible and more brittle heart. Unkind words, hurtful actions, and broken relationships can rip at the very aggregate of our hearts.
So what are we to do? How do we stand firm? How do we protect our hearts? Sounds like we need a shield. Ephesians 6:16 challenges us to take up the shield of faith. That faith is a gift we’ve been given in Christ, (Ephesians 2:8). And, that faith is something we need to take up now. And now. And now. And…. Ok, I think you get the point.
But how do you take up the shield of faith? So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ, (Romans 10:17). Standing firm requires an active, right now faith. Trusting God right now enabled Daniel to stand firm in a lion’s den. Trusting God right now enabled Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to stand firm in a fiery furnace. Trusting God right now enabled Stephen to stand firm in the face of those who throw rocks at him. Trusting God right now will enable you to stand firm in storms of life. So read, memorize, and meditate on the Word of God. Exercise the faith that God has entrusted to you. Take up your shield.
Standing firm,
Pastor Karl