We have several Bible Studies that meet each week!
Sunday Mornings, Bible Study for All Ages, 9:45am
- Kids meet in the Children's Area
- Adults meet upstairs in the Fellowship Hall
- Youth and Adults meet in the Youth Room downstairs in the Fellowship Hall
Email us at info@faithirmo.org for more info!
Tuesday Morning Men's Bible Study, 9:30AM, Meets in the Library at Faith
Contact lhuss@yahoo.com for more info!
Thursday Morning Ladies' Bible Study, Meets in the Conference Room (Spring and Fall semesters only)
Contact ugajane@yahoo.com for more info!
ROCK Men's Bible Study, 2nd and 4th Monday Nights, 6:15pm, Meets in the Fellowship Hall
Contact Karl at karl@faithirmo.org for more information!
Connections A young adult ministry that is focused on following Jesus together. 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7-9pm, location changes regularly!
Contact Tanner Ouzts at touzts2023@gmail.com for more info!
Youth Girls Small Group, 4-6PM 1st and 3rd Sundays, Meets at Julie Brasher's Home
Contact brasherjulie03@gmail.com for more info!
Youth Guys Small Group, 4-6PM 1st and 3rd Sundays, Meets in the Fellowship Hall
Contact karl@faithirmo.org for more info!