Join us Sundays at 11:00 am for worship!

A Good Investment

Devotional 6.14.23

Dear Faith Family, 

But encourage one another every day, as long as it is still called “today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin., (Hebrews 3:13). 

Bonanza, Laugh-In, and Mission Impossible all ended their TV runs.  The Miami Dolphins were the Super Bowl champs.  General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler laid off 100,000 workers.  The U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion, (  And that same year the Presbyterian Church in America was birthed in Birmingham, Alabama committed to be faithful to the Scriptures, true to the reformed faith, and obedient to the Great Commission. 

To that end a formal document was drafted under the title: “A Message To All The Churches Of Jesus Christ Throughout The World From The General Assembly Of The National Presbyterian Church”.  At the bottom of that document rest the signatures of the founding fathers.  Jack Williamson was one such father.  A ruling elder, attorney from Alabama, he left a lasting impression.  He was in the heat of the battle for a biblical church.  He helped to edit our Book of Church Order.  He actively invested himself in the hard work of the church. 

All that aside, he was an encourager.  Over twenty years ago I was a relatively young, intimidated moderator of a presbytery meeting.  Jack Williamson was one of the presbyters over which I was moderating.  (Did I say that he was one of the editors of our Book of Church Order?!)  I’m sure Jack Williamson was a busy man.  We were celebrating his 80th birthday.  And yet, after the meeting he wrote a letter of encouragement to one relatively young, intimidated moderator.  He took the time to pen gracious words of encouragement. 

That letter rests securely in a file in a drawer in my desk.  It’s a valuable treasure.  Not because he was a founding father of the PCA.  Not because he helped edit the Book of Church Order.  Not because of the weight that he carried as an attorney.  God’s gift of encouragement came through a giant of a man because he made the effort, he didn’t keep silent, and he shared the love of Christ. 

So, can I ask you a question?  Who will you encourage today?  A kind word.  A compliment.  A thank you.  Jack Williamson probably had no idea of the impact that he had on this relatively young, intimidated moderator.  Likewise, you can’t possibly know the eternal impact of your words of encouragement.  So, go ahead. make the effort.  Don’t keep silent.  Share the love of Christ. 

Pastor Karl