Join us Sundays at 11:00 am for worship!

Better Than Corn

Devotional 8.16.23

Dear Faith Family, 

But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.  Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death, (James 1:14-15). 

The squirrel-proof bird feeder is no longer squirrel-proof.  See, the little varmints locked their hind feet onto the pole supporting the used-to-be squirrel-proof bird feeder.  Their evil front feet grabbed the spinning bar perch (the one that used to spin) on the bottom of the used-to-be squirrel-proof feeder.  Like American Ninja Warriors balancing between the two (the pole and the perch), the little monsters burned up the feeder.  You know, the one that used to be squirrel-proof. 

Because the neighbors appreciated neither heavy artillery nor high explosives and because I’m not much for climbing forty feet up in the backyard trees, I borrowed a trap from a friend.  Insert one ear of corn.  Engage the spring-loaded floor trigger.  Lure, enticement, desire, conception, and wah-la, they’re caught!  Their desire for the corn blinds their eyes to the consequences thereof.  It’s a living object lesson of James 1! 

More recently, however, the squirrels appear to be more concerned about the consequences than the corn.  There goes my daily James 1 reenactment!  I’ve seen them near the trap, beside the trap, and even on top of the trap!  What they don’t want to do is go in the trap. 

And then I got to thinking.  Am I smarter than a fluffy-tailed rodent?  Although their natural desire would lure them to corn, their desire to avoid the consequences often seems stronger.  Confession: sometimes all I can see is the corn, not the consequences.  Pity the thought that sometimes the consequences are recognized and still corn wins the day?! 

Here’s the thing, we’re on the hook for our own sin.  We’ve got no wiggle room to blame God or anybody else.  We’re trapped by our own desires.  So, what’s your ear of corn?  Anything got you trapped?  Own up.  It’s not like God doesn’t already know! 

In the end we need help.  We need a rescuer.  We need someone to set us free.  Wretched man that I am!  Who will deliver me from this body of death?  Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!  So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin, Romans 7:24-25. 

Wait.  Don’t stop with the end of Romans 7.  Read Romans 8:1. Forgiveness is the only way out of the trap.  Forgiveness is the only way we’ll ever let go of the corn.  Forgiveness is yours in Jesus!  This is a good place to stop and proclaim: Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! 

Focusing on Him who is better than corn, 
Pastor Karl