Join us Sundays at 11:00 am for worship!

His Hands & Feet

Devotional 4.26.23

Dear Faith Family,

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds, (Psalm 147:3). 

It took a few minutes for the pieces of the live picture to come together in my head.  On the right shoulder of I26 was a white service truck.  Next to the truck stood, assumingly, the driver of that truck.  Directly across three lanes of traffic up against the concrete median sat what appeared to be an air conditioning unit still partially wrapped in what remained of the tattered cardboard box.  It was only 7:00 this morning!  I’m thinking that wasn’t on his schedule for today!  Can you hear that phone call back to the office?  “Uh, ya’ll remember the AC unit we loaded this morning?  The good news is that I didn’t lose it.  The bad news?  Well….” 

Meanwhile back on the interstate, the driver was searching the horizon for a break in the traffic.  Fear appeared as I looked in my rear-view mirror.  He saw his break and he was headed to the median, (Please don’t try this at home or anywhere else for that matter!)  What would he do then?  Hoist the unit up on his shoulder and play “frogger” across three lanes of interstate traffic back to his truck?  And then what?  A quick “Craigslist Remodel” with a hammer and a can of spray paint?  Hope you’re not due for a new AC unit today!  You might want to carefully inspect your new unit for road rash! 

Feeling a little like that AC unit today?  Did you wake up this morning faceplanted against the cold concrete median?  Maybe some bad news knocked you for a loop?  Maybe an unwise decision is circling back to collect?  Maybe another opportunity opened the door for fear to come in and pull up a chair?  Maybe the shattered pieces of a broken relationship are particularly painful this morning?  Maybe the flames on your candlewick finally met in the middle and you’re just out of wick? 

Sneak a glance across the interstate.  See who’s here!  Across the interstate He’s coming.  Why?  To heal your broken heart and to bind up your wounds!  Did I hear a faint “hallelujah”? 

Two questions:  1. Will you accept the hands and feet of God as He applies His healing and binding through another one of His children to you?  You know – a smile, a hug, a phone call, a card (like snail mail), a meal, a kind word.  2.  Will you be the hands and feet of God as He applies His healing and binding to another one of His children through you?  You know – a smile, a hug, a phone call, a card (the kind that requires a postage stamp), a meal, a kind word. 

Looking for and looking to be His hands and feet, 
Pastor Karl