Join us Sundays at 11:00 am for worship!

In Living Color

Devotional 11.5.23

Dear Faith Family, 

And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the Lord and praise Him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His steadfast love endures forever, (2 Chronicles 20:21). 

Travel west on I26 from Columbia and somewhere near the Saluda Grade, mountains will begin to magically appear.  October is truly a wonder to behold as the leaves flaunt their colors for all to see.  Two vans, two SUVs, and a pickup truck.  Suitcases, backpacks, and pillows.  Meals, junk food, and water bottles.  Oh yeah, and almost 50 people later – we were off! 

The presence of our God was quite evident – in so many ways!  That we traveled there and back without any major incidents.  That, for the most part everybody got along, even the adults!  That nobody went hungry, not even Nathanael!  And that everybody did get some sleep, even if it wasn’t until the ride home!  God’s grace was on display. 

But there was more!  The receptivity to the Word of God was contagious.  And the response in song was overwhelming.  On Saturday night, when the adults were worn out, the students postponed watching a movie to keep on singing to the Lord.  It was on His throne of worship that God graciously pushed back the darkness and poured out His grace. 

We watched from across the room as the face of a newly born child of God changed before our eyes.  God carried her out of the darkness and into His glorious light!  My wife pointed out 2 Chronicles 20.  Listen to verse 22; And when they began to sing and praise, the Lord set an ambush…, (2 Chronicles 20:22).  It was there in living color!  Enthroned in the praises of His people God chose to pour out His grace for us to see.  It was there that the darkness vanished, and the light of His grace overwhelmed the room. 

So, hop in your car, turn on the radio, and start singing to the Lord.  Hop in the shower, turn on the water, and let your praises roar.  Show up Sunday morning and lift up your voice in praise. 

May the God of His Word so move through the Word of our God that we can’t stop singing, 
Pastor Karl