Now That’s Good News
December 13, 2023
Dear Faith Family,
Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David, according to my gospel, (2 Timothy 2:8).
Tossing and turning
throughout the night.
Quality of sleep,
nowhere in sight.
Morning now dawned
awakened by light.
My mind engaged
with words did write.
Wisdom you ask,
what words so bright?
“I didn’t sleep worth a hootenanny!”
I know, right?!
Well, one thought led to another. A series of questions unfolded. What is a hootenanny anyway? And why didn’t I sleep worth one of them?
That’s when it began to slowly descend from the Gyri into the Sulci of my brain. Words mean things. How many are the times that I use words and pay little or no attention to what those words actually mean? An example? Does anybody really know the meaning of the word mauve? Isn’t that a word we use when we just don’t know what color we’re looking at?!
Can we talk about yet another word? “Gospel”. Now there’s a rich word that sees a fair amount of playing time. But does it hold our minds captive to its actual meaning? What is the gospel? What does it mean? Throughout its ninety-six occurrences in the New Testament, the word means, “good news”.
In 1 Corinthians 15:3-5, Paul clarified this good news. That Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. That’s the good news. Why is that good news? That Jesus died? That Jesus was buried? Ok, that He was raised. That sounds good. That He appeared. Ok, they got to see Him again – good news.
But stay there a little longer. Let’s think about this word, gospel. His death accomplishes His purposes (He’s building His Kingdom!). His death secures our salvation. His death confirms the very Word of God. He can be trusted completely. His burial historically anchors the reality of His substitutionary death. His resurrection overcame death! His appearance exclaimed His victory over sin and death!
Now that’s gospel! That’s good news! That’s worthy of a hootenanny (an informal performance by folk singers, typically with participation by the audience, [The American Heritage Dictionary])! That’s something worthy of losing sleep!
Sharing Him who is the good news,
Pastor Karl