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Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Devotionals 9.13.23
Dear Faith Family,
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us," (Hebrews 12:1).
Seated, once again, in a doctor's waiting room.  I listen as yet another patient is called (ahead of me) by name.  Like a sheep to the slaughter, he slowly disappears from sight through the much awaited door.  For a spell, all is quiet.
From quiet to chaos, the man bursts through the door in reverse.  Back into the waiting room he did arrive.  From the waiting room to the parking lot he continued with increased velocity.  Over the chaos these words were heard, "Nooooooooo, you can't have it!"
Apparently the patient had some skin cancer with which he was unwilling to part.  Can you imagine?!  Pause here for effect.  Okay.  No.  That didn't  happen (amazing what thoughts the imagination is capable of while contemplating the arrival of a surgeon).
The fact is, we are willing to pay hard earned money, time, pain, and disfigurement in order to part with skin cancer.  The point?  I wonder if we're as eager to part with sin?
David asked the all-knowing God to search his heart (Psalm 139:23-24).  Talk about close scrutiny!  David wanted to know if he had any rebellious cells, any "skin cancer".  He wanted it gone.
What, exactly, are we talking about?  What about unforgiveness?  Like when we hold a grudge.  An idol?  That noun that we turn to instead of God.  Unwholesome talk?  Those words that tear down rather than build up.  Am I willing to part with these?
I'll  simply conclude with two more questions.   One, do we see that the removal of sin from our daily lives, though costly, is so, so good?  Two, do we recognize that our Surgeon is our compassionate Father who lovingly removes our self-destructive sin?
Healing (even smiling) through the pain,
Pastor Karl